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Studio Albums, Live Albums, and Singles

Sure, my career covers a lot of ground in the arts, but anyone who knows me can vouch for the fact that music is at the heart of everything I do. Ever since I began taking piano lessons way back when I was eight years old, music has always been a powerful influence in my life, and it's always right there waiting for me whenever I need inspiration, strength, or just because. Although this category is overshadowed in number by other categories in my portfolio, these projects are the closest I can get to providing you with the most authentic pieces of my artistry and what I love to do most.

Of the projects included here, the earliest is my involvement with Kristin Chenoweth's "The Art of Elegance" album, and it holds a very special place in my heart. As a young singer training down in South Carolina, the American Songbook was the roadmap I first used to get to know my own voice and how to express myself through song. And what a special relationship I formed with this repertoire. "The Art of Elegance" is Ms. Chenoweth's take on several of these classics, and it's utter perfection. I remember when the album was nearly ready to debut and Ms. Chenoweth asked me what I thought of it... I replied, "Your name is synonymous with your sparkling high notes, but they've got nothing on the rich, chocolatey fullness of your low. What a terrific showcase for your voice's depth." Until this album, I was only familiar with her low notes in that sumptuous passage from "For Good" where she dips down to the basement harmonies in, "...changed for the better." This album is that phrase all grown up. What a treat for the ears.

And of course the "Angels Among Us" Christmas with the Tabernacle Choir album was a dream come true for me to produce. (Although I can't help but feel the pain of a slight missed opportunity that would have made this album a full-blown dream-come-true: Ms. Chenoweth and I are mad about Joan Sutherland's "Twelve Days of Christmas" with full orchestra and choir - it's an arrangement that doesn't get nearly enough exposure in my humble opinion - and I would have loved to hear Kristin sing it with this magnificent orchestra and choir. Understandably, the Choir had already programmed their own glorious version of the carol into the concert, so we missed out on reviving the Sutherland version... Luckily, everything the Tabernacle Choir touches is sheer perfection - add Kristin's expert handbell playing to the mix, and I've forgotten completely about the other version!)

The newest addition to this collection is "Red Hot for Reba," a song I composed for a songwriting competition. There's a link inside the description to hear the song, so if you're checking it out here in the portfolio, be sure not to miss out on that! 100% written from the heart.

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